Downhill is inherently a dangerous sport. WGSF is constantly re-evaluating our rules to keep our members as safe as possible. Starting in 2025, WGSF will require CE level 1 or better back protector for all stand up competitors. Back protectors can be a part of the leathers, worn under the leathers, or even worn outside of the leathers. 
Now a days back protectors are very inexpensive, low profile, and not too hard. We understand a change like this is a fairly large change, which is why we are giving everyone a year to prepare. In the meantime we highly recommend wearing a back protector.

WGSF will start to run tech inspections at every one if its events. WGSF will try to keep the inspection quick, checking athletes safety gear with a quick check of their equipment as well. 

Helmets are essentially one use items. Not wear once, just crash once. A crash can damage the shell and comprise the integrity of the helmet. In addition it will crush the foam, which does most of the protecting, meaning it won’t do a very good job of protecting in the next crash. If it is apparent than a helmet was involved in a major crash, the helmet will not pass tech inspection. 
Also helmets have a life time. Helmets should be replaced every 5 to 10 years. WGSF isn’t going to do anything to certify the age of a helmet. But it is a good idea to double check your helmet on an occasional bases and ensure that it is still fit enough to protect your head.

Remember, starting in 2024 WGSF will take a closer look at helmets at tech inspection. Replace your helmet now if needed. Starting in 2025 WGSF will require back protectors, CE level 1 or better, for stand up.

D30 Level 1 back protector. Level 1 or Level 2 back protectors will have a similar logo.