One of the rule changes WGSF is initiating, is how lane choice is determined in each heat. Historically, order of lane choice in each heat was determined by qualifying position. This means the top qualifier in each heat would have first lane choice. The rule change is lane choice will be determined by the results in the prior road. For round 1, nothing changes. Lane choice will be settled by qualifying position. But in subsequent rounds, lane choice will be determined by the results of the prior round. An example is the top qualifier gets pole position in round 1. But suppose they take second in their heat, then in round 2 they will get third lane choice!

While the top half of the field continues to transfer, it means the finish order of each round is important.

In order to track the order of lane choice, WGSF has rewritten the Excel and Google Sheet brackets. The order the racer is listed in each heat will be the order of lane choice. These brackets are free to use for everyone.

Brackets can be found on the Google Drive: WGSF Brackets

If you want to use them offline, you can find Excel versions in the Excel Versions folder. Otherwise copy the Google Sheets version to a local GDrive. Fill the racers names in on the registration page, in qualifying order. You can add a number, country, and best qualifying time. These are not necessary, but are provided for ease of use.

On the bracket page fill in the racer’s result, in the orange colored box. For four person fill in 1-4 and six people1-6. For rider’s that did not finish, use 5 or 7. For disqualified riders, 6 or 8, and for those that did not start, use 7 or 9.

Each sheet has the option to run one round of the losers bracket. If this is filled in, the final results will be calculated correctly. If you desire to run the complete bracket, then take the losers from the second round, and place them, in the correct order, in a correctly sized sheet. 

If you find any errors on the sheets, please inform us so we can fix them!